The Shaws of Cambridge
The Dance:
3s & 4s (at the top) and 1s & 2s (at the bottom) circle 4H once round to the Left (opening up to ... ); all circle 8H round to the Left halfway (finish on own sides, order 2143, 2nd Man & 3rd Woman facing out).
Dolphin reels of 3 on the sides (1st & 4th Men dance as a team on the men's side, giving LS to 2nd Man to begin, 2nd man dancing out & down to begin WHILE 1st & 4th Women dance as a team, giving LS to 3rd Woman to begin, 3rd Woman dancing out & up to begin).
1s & 4s dance the Celtic Cross progression: 1st Man & 2nd Woman turn RH WHILE 1st Woman & 2nd Man dance anti-clockwise halfway round the set (they finish in a line across the dance) (3 bars), turn partner LH halfway to change places (finishing in a line across the dance) (1 bar); 1st Woman & 2nd Man turn RH 3/4 WHILE their partners dance round them anti-clockwise one quarter round to meet partner again (all are now in a line up & down the middle of the set) (2 bars), 2s & 1s turn partner LH 3/4 to progressed places on own sides.
Dedicated to Roger Shaw and Judy Reynolds Shaw, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, long-time members and supporters of the Boston Branch of the RSCDS.
Shining Lights
The Dance:
1s advance & retire (taking RH), turn halfway 2H (finish on opposite sides, facing down, 2s facing up); 1s & 2s advance & retire (taking RH), turn halfway 2H (1s finish between corners).
1s, 2s & 3s advance & retire, all turn partners 2H; 1s cast round 1st corners (W up, M down) (finish in the middle facing 1st corners).
1s set to 1st corners, 1s dance round each other to the R (clockwise) (finish facing 2nd corners); 1s set to 2nd corners, 1s dance round each other to the R (clockwise) (finish in 2nd place, own sides).
1s, 2s & 3s dance Reels of 3 on the sides (1st M gives RS to 2nd M and 1st W gives RS to 3rd W to begin the reels; 1s change sides on bars 3-4, and start the second half-reel on opposite sides on bars 5-6, then cross to own sides on bars 7-8; effectively, the 1s are dancing around a big oval as the others continue their reels).
Dedicated to all those who have gone before - who have taught us to dance and play music - and who have given us the pleasure of their friendship and their inspiration.
Miss Jeanetta McColl
The Dance:
9 - 16
17 - 24
25 - 28
25 - 32
Repeat having passed a couple
This dance and tune, devised as an auction item at Pinewoods camp 2007, is dedicated to Miss Jeanetta McColl who has been central to the life and growth of Boston Branch RSCDS over many years.
Mist on the Mountain
The Dance:
Chasse in LOD finishing with trailing foot pointed in 2nd, repeat in opposite direction; underarm turn for woman returning to ballroom hold, dance 2 waltz turns finishing again with man's back to center of room.
Repeat Bars 1-6 but finishing close together with right hands joined; balance away from each other with RHs joined, then lift RHs over woman's head to Allemande hold, both turning to face LOD with LF pointed.
Step LF brushing RF to 4th aerial then step RF brushing LF to 4th aerial, 3 steps forward in LOD (pulling right shoulder back to face in opposite direction with RF pointed) (rhythm is: L brush and R brush and L R L pivot point.); repeat Bars 17-20 on opposite foot and moving in opposite direction (finishing again with LF pointed).
Pas de valse derriere (i.e. onto LF taking RF behind) then pas de valse devant (i.e. onto RF closing LF in front), woman pivots right shoulder back for about a full turn and then man dances under RH pulling left shoulder back for about a half turn, finishing in ballroom hold ready to waltz; dance 4 waltz turns finishing again with man's back to center of room, ready to start again.
Marianne never met a tune or a dance she didn't like - she is truly inclusive, catholic, indeed latitudinarian in her tastes. (She loves words too.) She doesn't know why this tune starts out in F minor, "it just came out that way." (She says it's okay to transpose it!) The music was inspired by an early morning mist on the mountain at their bog outside Deerfield, New Hampshire, where Marianne and Capt Don built their home. It sounds like a big ray of sun enters the picture in the second half.
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